Rethink the meaning of news
“I think journalism is at its end. It has to completly change, in a sense I’m not able to foresee…”
Indro Montanelli
The profession of journalist has lost its credibility in the last few years. According to a survey held last May by the Insubria University in Italy, credibility towards the profession of journalists is lower than the hairdressers’…
According to another survey, held every year in Denmark by the Aarhus University, the trust of people in the profession of journalist is similar to the trust given to real estates agents, car dealers and politicians…
It has been found out in a survey held in 2012 by EuroDAP (European Association for the Disorders caused by Panic Attacks) that mass media are the first cause of anxiety.
According to Hans Rosling, a Danish professor founder of GapMinder and a statistic analysis expert, “you can’t trust in mass-media to know how things are going in the world”…
We believe it’s time to establish a journalism with an ethical code, that pays attention to the people and that is able to tell not only the obstacles and the problems of our society but also the solutions.
We believe that journalists are great professionals, capable of welcoming news and mould them into something new: but into what? This is the question we want to give an answer to.
Information has to be rethought. We have to do it for the greater good, for our countries and for humanity. This is a monumental mission, but we believe in it and we are committed to making it a reality, through our passion, our consistency, our ethics, dedication and a great work.
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